Workshops are paid half-day or whole-day education sessions that are held at Midwifery Works on Monday, October 28, 2019. Workshop (WS) credit is awarded as follows: 4-hour WS = 3.5 CEs; 8-hour WS = 6.5
Billing and Coding and Tools – Is There a Hole in Your Bucket?
Monday, October 28, 2019 | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Presenter: Joan Slager, CNM, MSN, FACNM
Medical coding and billing might seem large and complicated, but it can be simple if you understand the process. This workshop will take the complexity out of coding and billing and teach you how to easily select the correct CPT and ICD-10-CM codes and coding for complex patient encounters that will enable you to accurately reflect services provided, simplify reimbursement, and strengthen revenue.
Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME): Maximizing Educational Quality through the ACME Criteria
Monday, October 28, 2019 | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Presenter: Heather L. Maurer, MA, ACME
Co-Presenter: Gretchen Mettler, CNM, PhD
Co-Presenter: Melissa Avery, CNM, PhD
The process of accreditation of midwifery education programs is becoming more complex. Often program directors and other faculty have not had experience in preparing for the accreditation process. This workshop is designed to provide up-to-date information on writing the Self-Evaluation Report and preparing for a site visit. Attendees will actively participate in activities designed to prepare them for a successful accreditation process and annual monitoring during the accreditation period. Information presented will also be relevant for those planning to start a new education program and preparing for the pre-accreditation process.
Continuing on Your Leadership Journey: Building on the Basics that you Already Know and Adding New Knowledge to Strengthen your Leadership Skills
Monday, October 28, 2019 | 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Presenter: Barbara Hughes, CNM, MS, FACNM
Co-Presenter: Christie Bryant, CNM, MS, FACNM
This workshop is geared toward leaders, both formal and informal, who are looking for the “road map” to success. We’ll explore the most current research done by Gallup – the leaders in provision of evidence-based information related to effective workplaces. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the research and be provided with tools and exercises that can help you improve performance, build an effective culture (or change an ineffective one), and move your team forward. If you are currently a volunteer leader in ACNM, or considering taking on a volunteer leadership role, this workshop will provide you with a strong foundation. If you are a new or experienced midwifery leader or have a leadership role in your community, this workshop will enhance your success.
Promoting Midwifery and Midwifery Services
Monday, October 28, 2019 | 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Presenter: Helene Rippey, CNM, MS
Co-Presenter: Angie Chisholm, CNM
Co-Presenter: Chris Kocis, CNM, FACNM, DNP
This workshop will explore how ACNM Affiliates and midwifery practices can become even more effective in increasing awareness and understanding of midwifery and promoting the choice of midwives. This workshop is intended for Affiliate Leaders. The content will also be useful to Practice Managers and other business leaders.